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Poco Sloss, Steven Ellis, Merrick Sloss

(New Orleans, LA – November 30, 2023) Bellwether Technology Corporation has announced changes in its leadership team. While this transition comes with new titles for these three individuals, it reflects a natural progression in roles and responsibilities that have been evolving for some time.

Bellwether’s co-founder, Poco Sloss, has transitioned from CEO to Chairman of the Board. In this capacity, Poco continues to provide guidance for the company’s overall goals, long-term vision, and major decisions.

Steven Ellis, formerly the company’s President, is now CEO. In this role Steven continues to lead and manage Bellwether’s executive team, as well as drive growth and profitability through innovation and efficiency.

Moving from Vice President to President, Merrick Sloss continues to lead the company’s Business Development initiatives to expand the company’s market presence, build partnerships and nurture client relationships.

“The titles correspond to changes in responsibilities that have been taking place during the last year or so,” said Merrick Sloss. “We’re going to continue doing what we’ve been doing to expand the business and be a guide for more organizations who want to use technology to fuel their goals and provide a great experience for their employees and customers.”

Bellwether Technology Corporation provides managed IT and cybersecurity services to organizations with 15 – 1000 computer users in the New Orleans and Gulf Coast area. Our team of more than 65 professionals supports more than 120 clients with proactive and reactive IT services that prevent problems from occurring, respond quickly when people need help, and enable organizations to strategically utilize technology. The result is that technology enables people while business leaders can focus IT resources on their goals, improve how they manage risks, and plan and budget for the future – all while giving employees and customers a great technology experience. 

Media Contact: 
Merrick Sloss, President 